Professional services for fund managers and asset management industry in Ireland.

Comprehensive and professional services for the asset management and fund industry in Ireland.

William Nguyen Co offers professional services for fund managers and asset management industry in Ireland.We offer professional fund accounting services for investment funds and asset managers. Our team will save your time to do what your business needs and we 

calculate distributions, maintain accounting records and prepare financial statements. We make sure that your fund financial information is accurate and up to date information for your investors to use.

Net Asset Value (NAV) 

We will calculate the NAV which is useful for your investors to use. It will be a benchmark for investors to compare the performance of one fund to other in the fund industry.

Fund accounting service is different to the corporate service due to the natural complex of work. It requires accountants to report regularly to your investors in relation to cash inflows and outflows, calculate a portfolio of financial investments that are typically measured at fair value, and calculate NAV frequently on the daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly basic.

Working with the Irish Central Bank and prepare the financial statements to investors. 

If you are doing business in Ireland, you need to be aware the regulation and compliance with requirements from the local authority.  It is essential for your investors to see the financial statement to make decisions. 

We can help you produce financial statements in time and correctly, as well as help you to be compliant with the local authorities. 

Working with auditors.

We work with the independent auditors to provide assurance and fairness of the financial statements. It is necessary for fund managers to have auditing report if your business meets threshold for auditing requirement from the Irish Revenue. We will coordinate the audit process with the auditors.

In addition, we help you to provide prepare the portfolio performance statements for fund managers to tailor investors’ requirements. These statements are comprehensive with strategic overviews, with recommendations to maintain or improve quality.

Calculating management fees and incentive fees

There are two main kinds of fees for fund managers receive: management fee and incentive fee. The management fee is fixed that fund managers charge and the incentive fee or performance fee is a percentage of the fund’s profits. We assist you in calculating and processing these fees for fund managers.

In addition, we offer the service to calculate the interest based on the contact two parties have signed. We calculate and process carried interest if the fund performs well and claw back if it does not goes well.

Each investor need to be assessed separately and we can help to calculate the performance fee equalisation and remove the problem of one investor being penalised for taking advantage of another.

In addition, we also calculate the distribution waterfall which capital is assigned to investor of the fund outlined in the Private Placement Memorandum (PPM). We will calculate the portion each investor will receive in accordance with his initial investment. It is also important to process drawdowns and distributions, we can proceed to the account reconciliation, ensuring that accounts are complete, consistent and accurate before the profit distributions.